Freedom 4/24’s Human Trafficking & Healthcare CME Training

Courses Available:

  • Human Trafficking and Healthcare Training Abbreviated (1 CME Credit Available Upon Completion)

  • Human Trafficking and Healthcare Training Extended (2 CME Credit Available Upon Completion)

    • The extended course includes additional case studies, a conversation around mental health, and an explanation of the supply and demand of human trafficking.

Recommended Audience: Healthcare Providers of All Practices

Overview: Freedom 4/24’s Human Trafficking and Healthcare training is a comprehensive, trauma-informed, and asynchronous, online training designed to provide healthcare professionals with a thorough understanding of human trafficking and its direct relevance to the healthcare sector. The training covers various aspects of labor and sex trafficking, along with the profiles of traffickers and trafficking victims. It also teaches healthcare professionals how to identify potential trafficking victims who seek medical care. Upon completing this training, participants will be equipped to recognize the vulnerabilities and characteristics of trafficking victims within their professional context, understanding the impact of trafficking on both the physical and mental health of patients. Healthcare professionals will be prepared with the necessary response steps and tools to offer identified victims the assistance and support they need.

CME Credit & Certification: This course offers Continuing Medical Education (CME) certification (1 hour & 2 hour) and is based on the Texas Health and Human Services Human Trafficking Training Standards* for training standards.

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Centra and Freedom424. Centra is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

* HHSC Human Trafficking Training Standards are adapted from a comprehensive and evidence-based training assessment tool created by HEAL Trafficking and the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the components and definition of human trafficking as described in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) and its amendments, and differentiate between human trafficking, smuggling, and consensual commercial sex.

  • Identify and assess all major forms of trafficking, recognize clinical indicators, and utilize trauma-informed care to build trust and facilitate communication with potential victims.

  • Apply strategies for safety and survivor-centered care by discussing protection measures, addressing disclosure barriers, and emphasizing the use of professional interpreters and appropriate language for identification.

  • Identify intervention and referral methods with mandated reporter obligations and law enforcement involvement.