If you are being exploited or have been exploited and would to know what resources are available to you, call our office and we can help guide you: 434-582-4517

Local (Greater Lynchburg Area) Victim Assistance Resources

Help refer victims to local resources for Lynchburg, Bedford, Campbell, Roanoke, Appomattox, and Amherst.

State (Virginia) Human Trafficking Resource Guide

A list of service providers in Virginia who are SETTS trained (Sexual Exploitation Treatment & Training Services).

National Human Trafficking Hotline & Other Reporting

If you or someone close to you is being trafficked, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline (with their consent):
1-888-373-7888 or text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733)

*If you suspect Human Trafficking in Virginia, report it by calling #77 (Virginia State Police)

*If you witness an active case of abuse, or someone is in immediate danger, call 911


Freedom 4/24 does not provide housing for victims; however, our partners/other vetted organizations do.