Bringing Freedom: 2017 By the Numbers
Bringing Freedom: 2017 By the Numbers
It's with great excitement we share how 2017 fulfilled our mission with the largest impact to date since Freedom 4/24 was founded!
These stats are a DIRECT RESULT OF YOUR SUPPORT, and demonstrate how Freedom 4/24 was able to specifically enable our partners to bring freedom and justice to women and children trapped in human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
2017 International Impact
Our team celebrates as the last nail is put in the boards of the Freedom Garden built in October at the Home of New Beginnings Pattaya.
Trips & Grants
In 2017:
Freedom 4/24 led 5 teams to our 3 international partners
Participants serving on all teams: 50
Total Freedom 4/24 grants given to Home of New Beginnings, our partner in Thailand: $40,000
Total grants given to Freedom Firm, our partner in India: $22,000
Total grants given to Christine's House, our safe house in Uganda: $61,500
Total grants given to Sports Outreach Institute Kenya Mission (allocated to Girls of Destiny program, a preventive youth program for girls in the Mukuru Slum): $3,000
A resident at Home of New Beginnings.
Thailand: Home of New Beginnings
The second safe house in Pattaya became operational with beds ready to receive women leaving the sex industry.
Current residents at Home of New Beginnings (HONB) Pattaya: 4 women + 1 child
Residents at HONB Bangkok: 8 current, 12 overall in 2017
Bangkok residents pursuing high school diplomas: 6
Bangkok residents pursuing college diplomas: 2 current, 1 graduated this year
- Funds raised to build the new Freedom Garden (shown above), which will help provide vocational training and financial support for HONB Pattaya: $16,748
Number of Freedom Garden mushroom houses producing harvest to be sold at the market: 3
Number of women from red light districts who attended 3 Christmas parties thrown in Bangkok and Pattaya: 235
Some of the 2017 residents of Christine's House.
Uganda: Christine's House
Graduates from the 8-month program at Christine's House: 16
Babies born to residents: 11 total-7 boys, 4 girls
Runners at the 2nd annual Run 4 Their Lives Uganda 4-Miler & Awareness Walk: 438
Participants in the Gulu Awareness Walk: 934 marching, representing 29 schools
- Funds raised to build and furnish new Vocational Center (shown above) to provide continued training for girls exiting Christine's House: $66,000
Funds needed to complete Vocational Center: $30,000
The Freedom 4/24 India team high-fives a teenage trafficking survivor as she completes an activity at Wilderness Camp in April.
India: Freedom Firm
Girls rescued from Nagpur and surrounding region: 110
Legal cases filed against traffickers and brothel keepers: 5
Girls who participated in aftercare program: 69
Number of girls at Wilderness Camps: 100
Number of girls at the Freedom 4/24 facilitated camp in April: 26
2017 Domestic Impact
A mom and daughter team race for survivors Harriett & Stella at Run 4 Their Lives Lynchburg in April.
The U.S. impact below comes as a result of Freedom 4/24 events and fundraisers held around the country and abroad. Notably, our individual fundraisers, and funds raised by them, TRIPLED this year, compared to 2016.
Run 4 Their Lives (R4TL) races nationwide: 5
Ride 4 Freedom (R4F) bike events: 1
Participants in R4TL/R4F events nationwide: 2,091
R4TL/R4F volunteers nationwide: 475
Virtual Events: 2
Virtual participants: 72
Individual Fundraisers and total amount they raised: 33, $33,582
Funds raised at 4th annual Freedom Gala in October: $139,681
Attendants at Gala: 340
Our impact on trafficking in the U.S. also takes place through our 5 domestic partnerships. Here are tangible outcomes of our funding given as a result of Run 4 Their Lives races held at each location:
1. Straight Street, Roanoke VA - $2,119 grant helped purchase the security gate at the new shelter.
2. Street Hope, Knoxville, TN - $3,932 grant directly provided:
- Awareness presentations/Trainings: 22
People in attendance: 1,600
Teachers trained in Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking/Internet Safety: 30
Prayer meetings: 12
3. Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Knoxville, TN - $5,957 grant helped provide:
Number of trafficking survivors served: 52, including 15 minors, 2 males & 35 females
Individuals trained on the red flags of trafficking and how to respond: 1,894
Pieces of legislation scripted and passed to enhance Tennessee’s trafficking laws: 4
Partnered with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation for 2 trafficking stings
Number of men arrested through the stings: 12
Number of survivors identified and served by CCAHT following stings: 4
New staff hired: 3
One property purchased to house all operations and future long-term safe housing
4. Redeeming Love, Glendora, CA - $10,713 grant purchased the entire security set-up needs for the safe house, including extensive intruder and video/DVR system installation. The system allows 24/7 on- and off-site monitoring, creating safety for residents and staff.
5. Compassion to Act (C2A), Charlotte, NC - $3,554 grant given to C2A, our newest partner, following the inaugural Run 4 Their Lives Charlotte, which had 147 participants. C2A focuses on four areas: 1) act as an emergency safe house for women to stay up to 2 weeks, 2) outreach into bars and strip clubs where trafficking/exploitation often hides, 3) connecting women with needed resources and 4) mentoring the women.